Monday, January 19, 2009


I can't believe that my little girl is almost 2 months old, next monday, already!!! She can focus and see us much better. She can smile and laugh when she sees us or hears us. She has an older brother and sister that love her so much sometimes we have to remind them to LEAVE HER ALONE! :)

She is such a good baby I'm so glad to have her a part of our family forever. I always wanted more kids after Jordan and Moriah and I must say that the 5 year wait for this precious girl was totally worth it.
She has so much hair that doesn't seem to be falling out just growing like CRAZY! I swear that on top it's grown almost and inch since she was born. She'll need a hair cut soon at this rate.
I feel so blessed to have such a special spirit with us so newly departed from our Heavenly Father's Presence. I'm so grateful for the knowledge and blessings of the temple and for my testimony of Jesus Christ and what he has done for me.
**I'm making hair bows now, I will get some other picutres up soon. Let me know what you think and tell your friends I will be starting to sell them soon.***


Maxfields said...

I love the changes you have made to your blog! It looks super cute. Maybe put a few pics of Jordan a Riah on the side with the ones of McKenzie. Cute cute cute!!

Anonymous said...

My sitting fee is $45.00 for an hour shoot, including a cd with all photos in color and sepia. Usually we can fit, family, and individuals in the same sitting. if you have any other questions give me a call! ~Hollie Kippen(unique photography) 801-643-8952