Our ward is at 9am and I was bound and determined to not miss sacrament meeting. (I figured if I didn't do it this week it would be nearly impossible to get the rest of them while Mark is gone.)
We were late but only by about 8 minutes!!! (That's a record for us - unless I'm there @ 8:30 for a choir performance!!!)
Church was so wonderful on Sunday. You know how there are the days that you just know that you are there to go through the motions and then all of a sudden you get a huge outpouring of the spirit that you realize...how well Heavenly Father knows you and cares about every detail in your life!
As I stated in my earlier post I've read and listened to a book called Bedtime and Naptime. Amazing how a book can drastically change your perceptions of life!
The book starts off w/ such a wonderful thought from Hilary:
I had two hopes in writing this book.
The first one is that you will be reminded to laugh
...at the funny things that happen each day
...at yourself a little more
...in the moment instead of waiting for it to be "funny someday"
...when you might otherwise cry
And, if for no other reason,
...to strengthen your abdominal muscles.
The second hope is that you will feel
...the power of your influence as a mother
...the love and support of our Heavenly Father
...that you can do all you have been asked to do (This is the one that I needed the most this week)
...inspired to continue giving your best
...a desire to fill another sippy cup, make another meal, find another missing shoe, and wipe another food-covered, chubby cheeked face
How blessed I am to have to Gospel in my life and be able to teach my children about a loving Heavenly Father who KNOWS them and EVERYTHING that is going on in their lives. He is definitely a magnifier of what we are willing to submit to him and ask for help with. I have felt myself being magnified to handle the difficulty of having Mark gone for a while. I have felt the love of my Heavenly Father as I have asked for that help to become a better mother and wife and person. My situation has not changed but I have been strengthened to bear that which is right and good for my family! God is truly good!
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